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HR process automation use cases that save you time, money & sanity!

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Most HR processes that need automation have some obvious tell-tale signs:

  • Repetition: You find yourself doing the same tasks repeatedly, day in and day out. It’s simply too monotonous!

  • Time-consuming: These tasks are at the bottom of your priority list, yet they consume hours of your day, leaving you with little time for truly productive work.

  • Dread-inducing: These tasks make you hate your job! – no further explanation needed.

Reading this, you're likely already thinking of people processes that fit this description.

At Tydy, we specialize in automating some of the most repetitive, time-consuming and dread-inducing HR tasks.

Here’s a sneak peek into the HR processes you can automate with our software.

Five HR processes to automate with Tydy

1. Data and document collection

Handling data and document collection during employee onboarding can be chaotic, and it's not just a problem for HR. Typically, new hires fill out 18-20 forms on their first day. HR has to ensure this data is accurate, kick-off background checks, and securely store the documents. It’s a lot for both the new employee and HR.

Tydy introduces a solution with its Smart Form, which simplifies this entire process.

Instead of multiple forms, new hires fill out just one Smart Form. This form automatically fills in all other required documents for onboarding.

This means:

  • No physical forms
  • No repetitive data entry for new hires
  • Less paperwork for HR to handle

Plus, the Smart Form gets auto-customized based on the location, role, band of the employee, among other things.

“An innovative feature – one that has been particularly valuable for a lot of our customers –  is pre-onboarding. As soon as a candidate accepts a job offer, they can be sent the Smart Form for completion, allowing background checks and engagement activities to start early. This helps reduce offer drop-offs and for new hires to start contributing faster once they begin.”

Preeti Kumari, VP and Head of Service Delivery - Tydy

Learn more about Tydy’s Smart Form in this case study.

2. Document automation

Imagine a scenario where you could generate and dispatch offer letters to 500-1000 new hires with just one click.


No, automation.

Tydy simplifies the document creation and distribution process by minimizing manual efforts. 

For example, when your Application Tracking System (ATS) marks a candidate as selected, their details are automatically transferred to Tydy.

The system then generates an offer letter based on these details.

HR can review the letter and with just one click, send it directly to the candidate.

A global enterprise revealed that by automating the generation of offer letters with Tydy, they reduced the time spent on this task by 50% compared to their previous manual process.

Beyond offer letters, Tydy can also automate the creation of other documents like appointment letters and employee contracts, further streamlining administrative processes for HR.

3. Employee background checks

Employee background checks are essential for businesses but can be a complex and time-consuming task for HR departments.

The process involves gathering the right documents, sending them to background check vendors, addressing data deficiencies, following up with vendors to complete the process, and then taking appropriate action based on the results. It’s a lot to manage!

However, this process can be streamlined with Tydy.

Here’s how it works:

  • Integration: Tydy integrates with existing systems such as the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and HRMS (Human Resource Management System). This means Tydy automatically gathers all necessary information for background checks and once complete, this data flows seamlessly to different systems to trigger other workflows like ID creation, payroll setup, etc.
  • Vendor assignment: Tydy automatically assigns and notifies the relevant vendors about new cases.
  • Verification and reporting: Vendors use Tydy to complete the verification process and upload their reports directly into the system.
  • Issue resolution: If there are any deficiencies in the information provided, vendors can flag these issues directly on Tydy. Candidates are then notified to upload or update the necessary documents without HR needing to intervene.

By automating employee background checks with Tydy, a business consulting firm cut down the time taken for all these manual coordination from 7 days to 24 hours.

4. Employee communication

Communication is one of THE most important tasks that fall into HR’s lap. And it can get overwhelming and tedious very quickly.

For instance, coordinating with new hires to complete tasks and submit their documents or liaising with background check vendors. Or listing out all the different tasks during preboarding and onboarding, sending out reminders, keeping people engaged, ensuring the right people have the right updates, following up on incomplete tasks while keeping it light but professional - it’s no wonder HR often gets blamed for not communicating well, or enough, or at all.

This is where automation tools like Tydy can help.

Tydy's features such as reminders and escalation, eliminate the need for repetitive calls or emails. Instead of manually reminding new hires or team members about necessary actions, Tydy automates these reminders, allowing HR to focus on more strategic tasks.

Tydy's Journeys feature meanwhile automates the entire communication process during key HR activities such as onboarding, offboarding, and transitions. This includes general company info, notifications or task assignments that can be triggered to different people (e.g. the new hire, managers, IT, payroll, etc.) based on a set schedule. And this can be done in various formats and delivered via email, SMS, Slack, Teams, etc. (#gifs #ftw)

5. Provisioning

Collecting data and documents is one thing, but preparing for the downstream activities that follow is an entirely different challenge.

While data collection is simpler with Smart Forms, Tydy automates tasks like ID creation, access management, payroll setup, and even SWAG delivery.

Here's how it works:

Once a candidate fills out a Smart Form, Tydy can initiate multiple actions for HR. The candidate's details can be automatically sent to the HRMS for ID creation, forwarded to the IT team for asset allocation and access management, and even sent to a local vendor for SWAG delivery direct to the candidate's home.

Additionally, the candidate’s bank details can be sent to the payroll system and verified using the 'penny drop' mechanism just before processing, ensuring accuracy and security.

One parting advice on HR process automation

Ensure your systems can communicate with each other seamlessly, without manual intervention.

Often, organizations implement advanced software solutions to automate various HR processes, but these systems fail to integrate effectively.

The consequence?

You end up manually transferring data from one system to another, inadvertently creating more work instead of less.

When selecting automation tools, prioritize those that offer seamless integration capabilities with your existing systems.

Tydy is one of the few tools that is also designed to enhance the employee experience by ensuring comprehensive integration. The platform not only syncs with your current software but also easily adapts to new tools introduced into your employee experience ecosystem.

This integration ensures that data flows smoothly between Tydy and other systems, and updates in one system are automatically reflected in the others.

To fully appreciate how Tydy can streamline your HR processes and reduce manual workload, consider booking a live demo to see its capabilities in action.

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